Friday, 31 August 2018
Humood - Kun Anta (audio) | حمود الخضر - أغنية كن أنت
Be Yourself! त्वमेव भव!(tvameva bhava!)
त्वम्(tvam) means You(for both masculine and feminine)
If you want to be gender specific you can use the following:
भवान् (bhavAn) means You for a male
भवती (bhavatI) means You for a female.
एव (eva) is a word of emphasis which means Only/Verily.
भव(bhava) is an Imperative Mood(Verb/Tense) which means Be!
The song posted (not a Sanskrit song) Kun Anta (Be Yourself) will tell you more why we need to be ourselves.(the song has translation)
Thursday, 30 August 2018
Frequently asked questions about the Sanskrit Classes
conducted by "Learn Sanskrit In Selangor Malaysia"
conducted by "Learn Sanskrit In Selangor Malaysia"
Q) Is Sanskrit hard?
No! Its not if you put in the effort and learn in a systematic manner.
Yes! If you don't put in the required effort.
Q)Would I be able to master Sanskrit after studying
or learning from a teacher?
or learning from a teacher?
Master is a word that even Scholars(Vidwans) do not use because in
this world only God is the Master of everything.
this world only God is the Master of everything.
We humans are always learning and evolving.
There are many grey areas even in science and everything is subject
to change as evidence and discovery disproves a previous held notion.
to change as evidence and discovery disproves a previous held notion.
So what happens after attending classes ?
Do we learn anything?
Yes! No doubt about that! We acquire information and data on Sanskrit for effective processing!
Q)Would I forget Sanskrit if I do not keep in touch with it after having learnt it?
Ok....lets get real...absence does NOT make the heart grow fonder
...its actually Out of Sight ..Out of Mind!
...its actually Out of Sight ..Out of Mind!
Yes...we can forget some details but the subconscious mind records
everything like a memory card. All we need to do is keep activating our memory by constant reading and writing of Sanskrit.
everything like a memory card. All we need to do is keep activating our memory by constant reading and writing of Sanskrit.
The mind though has yet to be located on MRI brain... still functions very much like skeletal muscle.
If we do not use a muscle it undergoes atrophy and shrinks.
Likewise if we do not activate our mind we forget what we had learned.
Q)Will I be able to read and write Sanskrit after attending classes?
YES! You are taught reading and writing in the 1st lesson itself 5th class you would be reading sentences.
The classes focus on learning Sanskrit as it is and not learning Sanskrit by thinking in English and expressing it in Sanskrit!
You would be taught to THINK in Sanskrit and EXPRESS yourself in Sanskrit.
Q)Would I be able to understand all Sanskrit words after attending classes?
Ok..Vocabulary is part and parcel of learning and with time vocabulary increases with exposure to reading material and to be honest none of us know every word in any dictionary be it even a world class Spelling Bee champion!
Cultivate the habit to read and surely we need to buy books and subscribe to sites that sell books.
Take a trip to India to buy books too to have a personal feel to a book.
Holding a book in hand..feeling the paper is much better than reading a e-book.
Virtual can never replace the original feel of paper in our hands!(May be I am still very old fashioned).
Q) Would religion/mantras/shlokas/vedanta/geeta be taught in class?
NO. Classes do not cover religion or spirituality.
The classes are focused ONLY on Sanskrit Language and Grammar
I would be like your driving instructor to help you get your drivers licence and then which car you drive or how fast your drive after that or which road you take after that is entirely yours.
Q) Are classes only for Hindus?
Language has no religion or spirituality or race and anyone regardless of race and religion are welcomed to study Sanskrit from a linguistic point of view. Classes are absolutely Neutral/Secular and classes DO NOT start with any prayer/mantra/chanting/recital so anyone of any religion or personal beliefs can feel free to attend.
Q) How are the classes conducted?
Classes are conducted in 1 to 1 format...One student only in a class.
No group classes.
Maximum 2 persons in a class that too both should be known to each other and both should attend class together always.
No group classes.
Maximum 2 persons in a class that too both should be known to each other and both should attend class together always.
Q) Are there any rules and regulations for class?
Yes!..students are required to be punctual, regular attendance ,fully committed, serious in studying and to do all homework given
Q) What are the packages available?
Packages are customized according to the need of the student.
Before a student signs up he/she would be required to meet with the teacher for an introduction to the packages available.The packages range from Absolute beginner to specific packages for intermediate/advanced grammar.
Q)What about payment?
Payment depends on the packages taken and payment is upfront to be paid before the classes commence.
Wednesday, 29 August 2018
Dastaan-E-Om Shanti Om [Full Song] | Om Shanti Om | Shahrukh Khan
Dial M for Murder!
It seems too much of a co-incidence that words relating to death in many languages start with the letter M.
Mortality in English.
Mortem in Latin
Mawt موت in Arabic/Urdu
Maranam in Tamil
Even in Sanskrit, Death starts with a M! मृत्यु (mRtyu) and मरण(maraNa).
The best stories are always about Death...Dastaan -E -Om Shanti Om weaves a dark secret of Death and Rebirth ( मरणं च पुनरपि जननम्)(maraNam ca punarapi jananam)
Monday, 27 August 2018
Bonnie Tyler - Total Eclipse of the Heart (Video)
"Total Eclipse of the Heart" "हृदयस्य सम्मीलनम्"
The most common word for Eclipse in Sanskrit is ग्रहणम् grahaNam.
What do we call the "Total Eclipse of The Heart"? we go.
Total Eclipse in Sanskrit is called सम्मीलनम् (sammeelanam).
Heart in Sanskrit is called हृदयम् (hRdayam) but when we are going to say "of the heart" it changes to 6th case ending (Genitive) and it becomes हृदयस्य (hRdayasya).
"Total Eclipse of the Heart" in Sanskrit would be हृदयस्य सम्मीलनम् (hRdayasya sammeelanam).
Saturday, 25 August 2018
Richard Marx - Right Here Waiting
अत्रैव प्रतीक्षां करिष्यामि ते (I'll be right here waiting for you)
One of the best songs ever pouring out emotions of some form of separation anxiety!
What is the mechanics of missing someone?
Well, It's a withdrawal syndrome!
For those who smoke and tried to quit smoking they would get withdrawals because of lack of nicotine in their blood stream.
Now when are fond of someone the brain experiences a surge in neurotransmitters like Serotonin and Dopamine and it gives us a happy feeling at times even euphoria.
Thats is why when a person has depression at times a psychiatrist prescribes SSRIs which increase the levels of Serotonin in the brain to keep depression at bay.
Now back to the mechanics of missing someone...the person we are fond of serves as our "SSRI"..that person increases the Serotonin in the brain and makes us happy.
Now what happens when we do not see the person?
The Serotonin levels come down and so does our mood because of withdrawal syndrome and next we know we are singing out "I'll be right here waiting for you"
What has this got to do with learning Sanskrit?
Well its does!
For effective learning of anything a healthy level of Serotonin is essential as it helps memory retrieval and understanding.
Anyway...breakdown of today's words:
अत्रैव atraiva (right here)
प्रतीक्षां pratIkSAm (waiting)
करिष्यामि kariSyAmi (I'll be)
ते te (for you)
Thursday, 23 August 2018
Madhurashtakam - Adharam Madhuram (Lyrics in English)
SWEET! मधुरम्
One of the best way to learn a language is to sing it!
मधुरम् means Sweet and here is 50 shades of Sweet..the famous मधुराष्टकम् (Madhurashtakam) with an upbeat catchy westernized orchestra feel.
अधरं मधुरं वदनं मधुरं नयनं मधुरं हसितं मधुरम् ।
हृदयं मधुरं गमनं मधुरं मधुराधिपतेरखिलं मधुरम् ॥१॥
वचनं मधुरं चरितं मधुरं वसनं मधुरं वलितं मधुरम् ।
चलितं मधुरं भ्रमितं मधुरं मधुराधिपतेरखिलं मधुरम् ॥२॥
वेणुर्मधुरो रेणुर्मधुरः पाणिर्मधुरः पादौ मधुरौ ।
नृत्यं मधुरं सख्यं मधुरं मधुराधिपतेरखिलं मधुरम् ॥३॥
गीतं मधुरं पीतं मधुरं भुक्तं मधुरं सुप्तं मधुरम् ।
रूपं मधुरं तिलकं मधुरं मधुराधिपतेरखिलं मधुरम् ॥४॥
करणं मधुरं तरणं मधुरं हरणं मधुरं रमणं मधुरम् ।
वमितं मधुरं शमितं मधुरं मधुराधिपतेरखिलं मधुरम् ॥५॥
गुञ्जा मधुरा माला मधुरा यमुना मधुरा वीची मधुरा ।
सलिलं मधुरं कमलं मधुरं मधुराधिपतेरखिलं मधुरम् ॥६॥
गोपी मधुरा लीला मधुरा युक्तं मधुरं मुक्तं मधुरम् ।
दृष्टं मधुरं शिष्टं मधुरं मधुराधिपतेरखिलं मधुरम् ॥७॥
गोपा मधुरा गावो मधुरा यष्टिर्मधुरा सृष्टिर्मधुरा ।
दलितं मधुरं फलितं मधुरं मधुराधिपतेरखिलं मधुरम् ॥८॥
Sunday, 19 August 2018
Sleepy Hollow (8/10) Movie CLIP - Van Brunt's Last Battle (1999) HD
Sleepy Hollow!
“Life a dream in Death's eternal sleep.”
― James Thomson
Sleep and Death still remains not fully understood yet both seem interrelated.
To some extent we "die" every night when we sleep only to become "alive" again upon waking.
So in that case does insomnia mean immortality?
Sleep is a temporary death while death is the eternal sleep so said Ar -Raghib Al -Asfahani.
So lets see what we can learn today!
Sanskrit has words to describe the various stages of awareness till we fall asleep.
जाग्रत् (jAgrat)..Awake
स्वप्न (svapna)..Dream State(REM Sleep state where there is Rapid Eye Movement and dreaming during sleep)
सुषुप्ति (suSupti)...Deep Sleep (Non REM sleep where there is No rapid eye movement and dreaming and its said to be Deep Sleep)
Well beyond this there is a another state called Turiya but it wont be touched upon today.
Now what about Death?
Well, TOMORROW NEVER DIES so dream on!
Thursday, 16 August 2018
Vijayakanth, Bullet scene
Today we are going to talk about the Soul(Atma)
Bhagavad Geeta Chapter 2 Stanza 23.
it says :
नैनं छिन्दन्ति शस्त्राणि नैनं दहति पावक: |
न चैनं क्लेदयन्त्यापो न शोषयति मारुत: || 23||
न चैनं क्लेदयन्त्यापो न शोषयति मारुत: || 23||
The soul can not be cut by weapons, can not be burnt by fire,can not be moistened by water and nor can it be dried by wind.
Click on the Video!
Friday, 10 August 2018
Yoga Rave - So What Project ! Krishna Govinda
सञ्जय! हे सञ्जय!
(Sanjaya, O' Sanjaya!)
आम् राजन्!
(Yes, King)
वदतु ...किम् अभवत् कुरुक्षेत्रे?
(Kindly Tell me what happened in Kurukshetra)
हे राजन् ! इदानीं WiFi signal सम्यक् नास्ति अतः अहं न जनामि किम् अभवत् कुरुक्षेत्रे.
(O' King at present the WiFi signal isn't good therefore I do not know what happened in Kurukshetra)
किम् एतत्!!!! भवतः दिव्य चक्षुः किम् अभवत्? तत् अपि सम्यक् नास्ति ?
(What is this!!! What happened to your divine visual ability? That too isn't good?)
क्षम्यतां क्षम्यतां राजन्!
(I am sorry O'King)
इदानीं सम्यक् अस्ति
(It's Ok now)
अस्तु अस्तु..वदतु
(Ok, Ok...tell me)
धृतराष्ट्र उवाच |
धर्मक्षेत्रे कुरुक्षेत्रे समवेता युयुत्सवः |
मामकाः पाण्डवाश्चैव किमकुर्वत सञ्जय ||1||
Dhrtarashtra said: O Sanjaya, after assembling on the holy field of Kurukshetra, and desiring to fight, what did my sons and the sons of Pandu do?
सञ्जय उवाच ।
दृष्ट्वा तु पाण्डवानीकं व्यूढं दुर्योधनस्तदा ।
आचार्यमुपसङ्गम्य राजा वचनमब्रवीत् ।। 2।।
Sanjaya said: Upon observing the Pandava army standing in military array, King Duryodhana approached his perceptor, and uttered the following words.
पश्यैतां पाण्डुपुत्राणामाचार्य महतीं चमूम् ।
व्यूढां द्रुपदपुत्रेण तव शिष्येण धीमता ।। 3।।
Duryodhana said: O' Perceptor,Behold the mighty army of the sons of Pandu, so expertly arrayed for battle by your own talented disciple, the son of Drupada.
Thursday, 2 August 2018
To The Sky (From The Soundtrack For The Original Motion P...
A Bird's Eye View To खगः (khagaH)
Etymology can be very interesting because when we look at the origin of a word we get to the basis of a word.
For eg...the word खगः (khagaH) means Bird in Sanskrit.
ख means Sky... ग means Go...therefore खगः (khagaH) means That Which Goes To The Sky!
Yes...a Bird..Take To The Sky!
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