Monday, 30 April 2018

ekA patnI vrataH...a little humor.

रविः  : नमस्ते, किं प्रिया वदति?

raviH  namaste, kiM priyA vadati?

Ravi: Greetings, is this Priya speaking?

प्रिया  : आम्, अहं  प्रिया अस्मि 

priyA  Am, aham priyA asmi 

Priya;  Yes I am Priya.

रविः  : प्रिये! अहं त्वयि स्नेह्यामि

raviH : priye! ahaM tvayi snehyAmi!

Ravi :O' Priya! I love you!

प्रिया  : किं एतत्?

priyA :kiM etat?

Priya : What is this?

रविः  : अहं भवत्या  "boyfriend " भवितुम् इच्छामि.

raviH  :ahaM bhavatyA   "boyfriend" bhavitum icCAmi.

Ravi: I want to be your boyfriend.

प्रिया  : किं भवान् उन्मादः ?

priyA : kiM bhavAn unmAdaH

Priya : Are you mad?

रविः  :आम् गीता, भवत्यै.

raviH: Am Gita, bhavatyai.

Ravi: Yes Gita for you.

प्रिया : गीता? सा का?

priyA ; gItA? sA kA?

Priya : Gita? Who is she?

रविः  :क्षम्यताम्, गीता मम पत्नी...cross line क्षम्यताम्.

raviH  : kSamyatAm, gITa mama patnI..cross line क्षम्यताम्

raviH : Sorry, gIta is my wife...cross line..sorry.

प्रिया  :हे  भगवान्!

priyA:  he bhagavAn

Priya:  O' God!

रविः  न प्रिया, अहं  भगवान्   नास्मि. अहं रविः

raviH : na priyA, ahaM bhagavAn nAsmi. ahaM raviH

Ravi :No Priya, I am not God. I am Ravi.

प्रिया :पश्य अत्र! भवता "एका पत्नी व्रतः" करणीयम्

priyA : paśya atra! bhavatA 'ekA patnI vrataH" karaNIyam

Priya :Look here! You should observe the "One wife only vow"

रविः : कः अपि समस्या नास्ति. पत्नी एकाम् एव परन्तु  "girlfriends" अनेका सन्ति

raviH: kaH api samasyA nAsti. patnI ekAm eva parantu "girlfriends" anekA santi

Ravi : No problems at all. Only one wife but many girlfriends.

प्रिया : नरकं गच्छ!

priyA : narakaM gacCa!

Priya : Go to Hell!

Sunday, 29 April 2018

The Intelligent Person Does Not Cling To This Material World.

Ibn Al Qayyim

Word of the day :Material World.

There are three words denoting Material World in Sanskrit.

1)भूतसृष्टिः bhUtasRSTiH

2)भूतसर्गः  bhUtasargaH

3)भूतसंसारः bhUtasaMsAraH

भूतसंसारः (bhUtasaMsAraH) is often just denoted as संसारः (saMsAraH) to denote the Material World.

Tuesday, 24 April 2018


With the FIFA World cup coming up soon many of us would have sleepless nights cheering for our favorite team.

Yes! Me..Argentina fan!

The word of the day is about Argentina.

The word Argentina is derived from the Latin word Argentum meaning Silver.

Those of us who still remember our periodic table in Chemistry would know Argentum is Ag+.

So what is Silver(Argentum) called in Sanskrit?

Silver in Sanskrit is रजतम् (rajatam)

The 1st verse in the Chandrasekhara Ashtakam has a line that goes:

रजतादिश्रृङ्गनिकेतनम् (rajatAdiśrRganiketanam)

Which means the One who resides on the mountain of silver (meaning snow capped mountain which has a silvery sheen)

Monday, 23 April 2018

Ed Sheeran - Shape of You [Official Video]

मे रमते गात्रं ते(me ramate gAtraM te)

A great song by Ed Sheeran where he sings "I'm in love with your body"

A good song to be used  for exercising and watch the lyrics catch your mind to exercise with a better intensity..try this song even with Yoga and watch better results!

Ok..will get to Sanskrit now.

How do we say "I'm in love with your body"

Sanskrit has many ways to express emotions.

In my previous post I said we use 7th case ending(Locative) to express the feeling of being in love with someone.

But what you would see now is usage of the 4th case ending(Dative) because the context differs.

Let's go..when Ed Sheeran sings 'I'm in love with your body"..he is expressing a sensual attachment to the form of a person.

Well the word in Sanskrit for attachment of the sensual kind is रमते ramate.

Now ramate is an Atmanepeda verb form and usage of words which denote a liking or an attachment take the 4th case ending.

Therefore the usage of  the 4th case ending मह्यं (mahyam) or मे(me) to denote the word "I"..I am choosing मे(me) to rhyme with रमते(ramate)

Next is the word body...there are many words to denote body.

But in this song he also sings about the "shape of you" the body here is linked to a shape.

Therefore usage of the word गात्रं (gAtram) is apt because gAtram denotes body and form.

In Sanskrit "Yours" is denoted as तव (tava)or ते(te )

I am choosing ते (te) because it rhymes with रमते(ramate)

So what do we get finally.

मे रमते गात्रं ते (me ramate gAtraM te) (I'm in love with your body)

Saturday, 21 April 2018

A Man Without Love With Lyrics - Engelbert Humperdinck

How do you say I LOVE YOU in Sanskrit?

Well most of us when learning a new language would want to know how to say I LOVE YOU in the new language.

Ok..lets get to know how to say I LOVE YOU in Sanskrit.

Firstly in Sanskrit when we want to say I LOVE YOU we choose the 7th case ending that is locative case ending other words we are saying "I AM IN LOVE WITH YOU"

Makes sense..cos we do say one is in love with someone.

So whats the word for it?

Here goes:

अहं त्वयि स्नेह्यामि 

ahaM tvayi snehyAmi

Ok guys/gals...go tell your not be a man without love!

Monday, 16 April 2018

When Ya is O'

The usage of the word Ya in Sanskrit as a vocative gives the meaning of O' for eg Ya Deva! means O' Lord.

यः is used for Masculine
या is used for Feminine.

श्रद्धावान् लभते ज्ञानम्

One who is steadfast gains knowledge.

Saturday, 14 April 2018

manasik. (मनसिक्)

Many a times we come across the word manasik in religious text.

What does it mean?

Well the root word is manasij (मनसिज् ).... मनसि जायते जन्-ड अलुक्  

To cut it short, manasik means Mind Born.

It is used in religious text to mean something which can be done through the mind.

Friday, 13 April 2018

Shukran! It's Friday!

Tamil Language uses the word Shukran to mean Planet Venus.

Lets see the origin of this word.

It originates from the Sanskrit word Shukra meaning Planet Venus.

Friday is associated with Planet Venus hence Friday is called शुक्रवासरः (ShukravAsaraH)

Wednesday, 11 April 2018


नाकाले म्रियते जन्तुः विद्धः शरशतैरपि ।
कुशाग्रेणापि संस्पृष्टः प्राप्तकालो न जीवति ||

A being does not die even when pierced by hundreds of arrow if his time to die has not come.
However if his time is up,he dies even by the touch of a blade of kusha grass.

Friday, 6 April 2018

Image result for rabbit in the moon
Image taken from Google Images.

Rabbit in the Moon....शशाङ्कः 

There is an ancient story about a Rabbit in the Moon shared by many cultures from China,Korea, India and right up to South America.

Well if you look at images of the moon from a distance the dark markings seen on the moon sort of  resembles the shape of a rabbit.
These dark markings are actually craters on the surface of the moon.

Anyway lets see how much this story of the Rabbit in the Moon is relevant in Sanskrit.

Ever heard of the name  Shashank?

Lord Shiva is also known as Shashanka Shekara.

 शशाङ्कः  śaśAṅkaH (pronounced as shashAnkaH) is one of the names for the moon in Sanskrit.

But what does it mean?

शश śaśa in Sanskrit means Rabbit and  अङ्कः aṅkaH in Sanskrit means a Mark/a Sign.

Therefore शशाङ्कः  śaśAṅkaH (pronounced as shashAnkaH) means Rabbit Sign/Rabbit are right!
The name of the Moon here refers to the Rabbit in the Moon markings seen from a distance.

Wednesday, 4 April 2018

Drinking with Feet?

One of the Sanskrit words for a Tree is पादपः (pAdapaH).

pAda means Feet and pa is the root word for Drink.

Yup..its describes the mechanism of action of a tree that sucks up water from its roots(feet of a tree)

Tuesday, 3 April 2018

Null and Void!

How do we express Nothingness in Sanskrit?

Word of the day : Nothingness = शून्यता (śUnyaTa)

शून्यम् (śUnyam) in Sanskrit means Void.

So to all Malaysian out you know the origin of the word sunyi in the Malay Language used to denote a lonely feeling.

Sunday, 1 April 2018

Examples of Lessons in Class.


What does  putraH mean?

As most of us would be knowing  putraH is used in various Indian languages to mean a son.

Actually  putraH is an abbreviation what does it stand for?

पुं नाम नरकात् त्रायते इति पुत्रः

puM nAma narakAt trAyate iti putraH

It means "One who saves(his ancestors) from a hell called puM is a son"

According traditional belief there is a Hell called puM and a son is the only one who can safe his parents/ancestors from the torments of hell.

So there you go Puttars!Be a good putraH.

  Kindly take note that all classes have been put on hold due to the recent spike of Covid 19 cases and classes would only resume if and whe...