Grammar and Sandhi Rules(Euphonic Combinations)
Do we need to learn grammar to learn a language.
Yes if you are learning a new language as an adult.
That too a language that you do not know at all especially if the language is not widely spoken.
One may wonder that as a child we never needed grammar to speak our mother tongue or the language we spoke at home.
Reason? Because the brain of a child is developing..a clean slate that absorbs at a high rate as new synaptic connections are formed.
Hence any audio visual input leaves imprints right away and Lo behold we develop speech sans grammar.
Its just that the by simply hearing a sentence we can make out what sounds right.
But as adults are we the same?
Well firstly as adults we have developed our own "habits" and lifestyle and also distractions.
The method of learning is different from that of a child BUT that does not mean its BAD news because as adults we have developed analytical skills and deducing capacity which aids in learning.
If we want to study a new language for reading and writing purposes the study of grammar is inevitable.
We need to know about case endings,tenses,particles, adjectives,syntax etc.
In the study of Sanskrit many desire to study it to be able to read texts like Bhagavad Geeta and Upanishads.
In order to read these texts the study of grammar is very important especially Sandhi Rules also called Euphonic combination.
Every verse in the Bhagavad Geeta employs Euphonic Combinations(Sandhi Rules).
For example the word कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते/karmanyevadhikaraste
Is it just one word?
Heck no!
Its actually:
karmani—prescribed duties; eva—certainly; adhikarah—right; te-of you;
Its because of Sandhi rules it becomes:कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते
Therefore it is very important that Sandhi Rules be learnt to be able to decipher what we read in the Bhagavad Geeta.
Sandhi Rules are actually very technical and mathematical and its sheer joy to apply it.
Sandhi Classes too are available if a student has prior knowledge of Sanskrit and only wants to learn Sandhi.
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