Friday, 31 May 2019
Stevie Wonder-Isn't She Lovely Lyrics
The word किल(kila) in Sanskrit implies a meaning of "Isn't it?/Don't you/Aren't you/Is it not so/Wouldn't I?".
Let's look at a few examples.
एतत् सत्यं किल? (etat satyaM kila?)
This is true isn't it?
अद्य मय भोजनम् कर्तुं शक्यते किल?(adya maya bhojanam kartuM shakyate kila?)
I would be able to eat today, wouldn't I?
भवान् मां स्मरति किल?(bhavAn mAM smarati kila?)
You remember me, don't you?
सा रम्या किल?(sA ramyA kila?)
Isn't she lovely?
Sunday, 26 May 2019
don't stop never give up - s club 7
मा विरामस्व प्रयत्नात् मा विरामस्व
Don't Stop Never Give Up!
विरामस्व is an Atmanepada verb in Imperative Mood 2nd person singular.
It means STOP!!
मा (mA) = Don't
विरामस्व(virAmasva) = Stop!
प्रयत्नात् (prayatnAt)= From trying
मा(mA) = Don't
विरामस्व(virAmasva) = Stop!
मा विरामस्व प्रयत्नात् मा विरामस्व (mA virAmasva prayatnAt mA virAmasva )
means "Don't stop, Don't stop trying in other words "Don't stop never give up!"
Friday, 24 May 2019
Glen Campbell - Rhinestone Cowboy
गोपालः (gopAlaH)
Gopal is a very common name and let's see what it means.
गोपालः = गोपालः = गाम्/गाः पालयति इति गोपालः(He who protects cows is a gopalaH )
A cowherd protects and looks after cows hence a cowherd is called गोपालः (gopAlaH) other words a Cowboy!
Saturday, 18 May 2019
Harry Belafonte - Island in the sun - 1957
द्वीपः (dvIpaH)
What do we call an Island in Sanskrit?
An Island is called द्वीपः (dvIpaH) in Sanskrit.
What does द्वीपः (dvIpaH) mean?
Well, it means द्वि-अप् (dvi-ap)(two-waters) which translates as having water on both sides or sometimes even thought to mean as having two levels of water as in a high tide and a low tide.
Whatever the actual meaning, the island effect is surely intoxicating especially सूर्ये द्वीपः(sUrye dvIpaH)(Island in the sun)
Tuesday, 14 May 2019
गच्छन्ति and गच्छन्ति (gacCanti and gacCanti)
The word गच्छन्ति can be used as a verb and also as a present participle.
Let's take an example:
1) छात्राः विद्यालयं गच्छन्ति (CAtrAH vidyAlayaM gacCanti) (The students go to school)
2) अहं गछन्ति यानानि दृष्टवान् (ahaM gaCanti yAnAni dRSTavAn)(I saw the going/moving vehicles)
In the 1st example गच्छन्ति is used as verb and it means "go".
In the 2nd example the verb is दृष्टवान् which means "saw" but गच्छन्ति means going/moving and it is used as a present participle.
What about मम सर्वस्य तत्र गच्छन्ति (mama sarvasya tatra gacCanti) "There goes my everything?"
This is actually interesting because it can denote both a verb and a present participle.
In the sentence मम सर्वस्य तत्र गच्छन्ति (mama sarvasya tatra gacCanti) "There goes my everything", one is observing everything going away from him and at the same time everything goes away from him.
So the गच्छन्ति here is both a verb and also a present participle.
Well, I don't think Engelbert Humperdinck was crooning grammar! Enjoy the song.
Monday, 13 May 2019
Scorpions - Wind Of Change (Official Music Video)
From न to ण
Let's learn the णत्वम् (Natvam) rule 5
The rule is:
ऋ/र्/ष् + (अच्/कवर्गः/पवर्गः/य/व/ह) +न =ण
which means :
If the न is preceded by the letters ऋ or र्or ष् and in between there is any vowel or क groups of consonants or प groups of consonants or the letters यor व orह the न changes to ण.
Observe the two words below:
Why is there ण in पुष्पाणि but an न in काष्ठानि?
One of the criteria for न to become ण is to have a ष before the न.
Going by that, both पुष्पाणि and काष्ठानि have a ष before it so why ण is not seen in काष्ठानि ?
Answer is because in between the ष and न in काष्ठानि there is ठ and ठ belongs to the ट group and not the (vowels/कgroup/पgroup/य/व/ह).
So not always there is Wind of Change From न to ण.
Sunday, 12 May 2019
Scorpions - Still Loving You (Lyric Video)
Present Continuous Tense(शतृप्रत्यय)
Today we would take a look at the Present Continuous Tense(शतृप्रत्यय).
Present Continuous Tense denotes an action that is still going on and usually used to denote two actions that are going at the same time.
शतृप्रत्यय is used only for Parasmaipada roots.
Atmanepada roots take on शानच् प्रत्यय.
Let's take 2 examples:
बलकः धावन् पतति (balakaH dhAvan patati) = The boy falls while running.
धावन् is the शतृप्रत्यय form.
सः पाठयन् लिखति saH pAThayan likhati = He writes while teaching.
पाटयन् is the शतृप्रत्यय form.
Let's take the title of the song I have posted.
"Still Loving You", it denotes Present Continuous Tense too but here only one action is denoted and not two.
So the शतृप्रत्यय is not the preferred form here while translating.
"Still Loving You" can be translated as "इदानीमापि त्वयि स्निह्यामि"(idAnImApi tvayi snihyAmi)
Saturday, 11 May 2019
Agneepath - Hrithik Roshan, Priyanka Chopra | Gun Gun Guna Video
गुणसन्धिः च रमेशः (guNasandhiH ca rameshaH)
Let's learn the meaning of the very common name Ramesh and learn a guNasandhiH rule in the same process.
रमा (ramA) + ईशः (Isha) = रमेशः(rameshaH)
रमा (ramA) is a name of Goddess Lakshmi.
Note its different from the name रामः(rAmaH) which is for Lord Rama.
ईशः (Isha) means Lord.
रमेशः(rameshaH) means Lord of Goddess Lakshmi = Lord Vishnu.
Now let's do the गुणसन्धिः (guNasandhiH)
रमा + ईशः
=रम् + ( आ+ई ) + शः
=रम् +(ए) + शः
Friday, 10 May 2019
K3G - Suraj Hua Maddham Video | Shah Rukh Khan, Kajol
Does The Sun Ever Dim?
In Sanskrit there are 12 names for the sun.
Here they are :
रविः (raviH)
सूर्यः (sUryaH)
I would like to draw the attention to the name मित्रः(mitraH), the root word is मित्र(mitra).
Gender changes the meaning of this word.
When used in masculine gender as in मित्रः(mitraH) it means The Sun.
When used in neuter gender as in मित्रम्(mitram) it means Friend.
मित्रः मम मित्रम्(mitraH mama mitram) means "The sun is my friend".
Anyway, with 12 names for the sun, I wonder why SRK is singing "Suraj Hua Maddham"?(The sun has dimmed)
Wednesday, 8 May 2019
Bob Marley - Red Red Wine
रक्ता रक्ता मदिरा
In Sanskrit the usage of colours as adjectives follows the gender of the noun.
As we know in Sanskrit nouns/pronouns have 3 genders; masculine,feminine and neuter.
Let's take a few examples:
The word for Red in Sanskrit is रक्त (rakta)
1) Masculine example रक्तः घटः(raktaH ghataH) (red pot).
2) Feminine example रक्ता शाटिका (raktA shAtikA) (red saree)
3)Neuter example रक्तम् पुष्पम् (raktam puSpam) (red flower)
There you go....रक्ता रक्ता मदिरा (raktA raktA madirA)(red red wine)
I am sure you can guess the word for wine used here belongs to which gender!
Tuesday, 7 May 2019
Backstreet Boys - I Want It That Way (Official Music Video)
अहं तत् विधि एव इच्छामि
(ahaM tat vidhi eva icCAmi) (I want it that way)
What is the meaning of the word (इच्छामि )(icCAmi)?
It means "I want or I desire"
The root word for (इच्छामि )(icCAmi) is इच्छ (icCa) which can mean "to want, to desire).
Let's see its usage.
अहं संस्कृतं पठितुम् इच्छामि | (ahaM saMskRtam paThitum icCAmi) (I want to learn SamskRtam)
अहं जनेभ्यः अवगच्छनं कर्तुम् इच्छामि ।(ahaM janebhyaH avagacCanaM kartum icCAmi ) (I want to understand people)
अहं जनैः सह सम्भाषणं कर्तुम् इच्छामि।(ahaM janaiH saha sambhASaNaM kartum icCAmi) (I want to converse with people)
Sunday, 5 May 2019
Fruit (Official Video) | The Landers | Western Pendu | New Song 2018 | S...
नारङ्ग रम्भा जम्बूद्राक्षेक्षुखर्जूर रसैः समन्वितैः।
एकादिभिः स्युः कति मेदिनीपतेः पानानि जिह्वाजडतानुदे वद ॥
Translation: With the juice of orange,banana, mango,rose apple,sugar cane
and kharjura, tell how many types of beverages can be prepared for the taste of the King,taking one of them at a time.
Now this stanza above might sound like recipe for a smoothie but its not!
Its actually ancient Indian Combinatorics.
The answer to the above stanza is:
C(7,1) =7
C(7,2) =7x6/ 1x2 =21
C(7,4) =C(7,3) =35
C(7,5)=C(7,2) =21
Total number of varieties= (7+21+35+35+21+7+1) =127
Taken from the book "Development of combinatorics from the pratyayas in Sanskrit prosody" by Er. Venugopal D.Heroor.
The Dead South - In Hell I'll Be In Good Company [Official Music Video]
Autopsy anyone????
What do we call an Autopsy in Sanskrit?
Before that we need to know what happens in an autopsy.
Well, I won't write the details of cutting and slicing the body parts but I would summarize an autopsy as a detail examination of a corpse.
Well! That's what it is in Sanskrit too.
सूक्ष्म-शव-परिक्षा (sUkshma-shava-pariksha)
सूक्ष्म - detail
शव -corpse
परिक्षा - examination.
Friday, 3 May 2019
Billy Joel - We Didn't Start the Fire (Official Video)
अग्निः (agniH) (Fire)
Etymology is my favorite part of any language.
We learn a lot from how ancient minds formed words which was based on logic and observations.
So let's take a look at the etymology of the word अग्निः(agniH).
Firstly there are many opinions on this as how the word अग्निः(agniH) was derived.
From Nighantu to Sthulasthivin, to Sakapuni's glossary to Yaska's Nirukta, there are multiple opinions on this.
I will only focus on one today.
It is from the Nighantu.
In the Vedic lexicon, अग्निः(agniH) at the root level is अग्नि (agni) and is made up of the following:
अग्र (agra) + नीयते(nIyate) = अग्नि (agni)
अग्र (agra) = foremost
नीयते (nIyate) = to lead
अग्नि (agni) = Foremost leader.
Logically it makes a lot of sense as the Vedic rites involved fire to be the first and foremost to lead the oblations.
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Kindly take note that all classes have been put on hold due to the recent spike of Covid 19 cases and classes would only resume if and whe...
मा विरामस्व प्रयत्नात् मा विरामस्व Don't Stop Never Give Up! विरामस्व is an Atmanepada verb in Imperative Mood 2nd person singul...
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