Monday, 29 October 2018
Spice Girls - Wannabe
Spice! सम्बारः(sambAraH)
One of the names for Spice in Sanskrit is सम्बारः(sambAraH).
So now we can guess where the origin of the word sambar we all love so much to eat comes from.
But somehow just try to imagine if the Spice Girls had called themselves sambAr girls?
We what would the reply be to their वद! किं इच्छसि किं अतीव एव इच्छसि ? (vada! kim icCasi kim atIva eva icCasi?)("Tell me what you want, what you really really want?")
Sunday, 28 October 2018
Gulaebaghavali | Guleba Full Video Song | 4K | Kalyaan | Prabhu Deva, Ha...
विवाहविच्छेद vivAhavicCeda (Divorce)!
Contrary to the popular believe that we Indians do not have Divorce in our DNA somehow there is a Sanskrit word for DIVORCE! LOL
Let's take a look at the word :
विवाहविच्छेद is a compound word which is made up of two words:
विवाहस्य (vivAhasya) विच्छेदनम् (vicCedanam)
विवाह means marriage
विवाहस्य is the 6th case ending that means "of the marriage"
विच्छेदनम् means to cut
विवाहस्य (vivAhasya) विच्छेदनम् (vicCedanam) and the resultant word विवाहविच्छेद (vivAhavicCeda) means "cutting of the marriage"...a.k.a Divorce.
Final diagnosis:
विवाहस्य (vivAhasya) + विच्छेदनम् (vicCedanam)= विवाहविच्छेद (vivAhavicCeda)
So there is actually a lot of formulae around and not just E=mc^2
But anyway don't get divorced and just enjoy Guleba song..a nice Tamil song with Latin beats!
Friday, 26 October 2018
The Who Was? Show | Relativity Einstein Song | Netflix
Today let's learn about
There has been a lot of controversy of late because one Swamiji is not agreeing with it and don't ask me who and why!
Anyway we would just learn the terminology.
E is Energy.
Energy in this context here is पराक्रमः(parAkramaH)
m is mass.
Mass in Sanskrit is वस्तुमान् (vastumAn)
c2 is the speed of light to the power of two.
Speed of light in Sanskrit is भाप्रवेग (bhApravega).
That's all folks.
Hint: to know which Swamiji doesn't agree that
Just translate "Eternal Bliss" into Sanskrit and you get your answer!
Tuesday, 23 October 2018
Connie Francis : Never On A Sunday
नैव रविवासरे (naiva ravivAsare)
(Never on a Sunday)
Today we would learn about the names of the days in a week.
Sunday रविवासरः ravivAsaraH
Monday सोमवासरः somavAsaraH
Tuesday मङ्गलवासरः mangalavAsaraH
Wednesday बुधवासरः budhavAsaraH
Thursday गुरुवासरः guruvAsaraH
Friday शुक्रवासरः shukravAsaraH
Saturday शनिवासरः shanivAsaraH
Monday, 22 October 2018
Pattaiya Naamama? - Vivek Superhit Comedy Scene - Saamy Tamil Movie
An Elephant in High Court!
In July 21st 1864 an Elephant was brought to Madras High Court as an exhibit because two Vaishnava sects could not see eye to eye with regards to which shape "Naamam" should be drawn on the Elephants head.
can be read here:
Anyway today we would learn about Elephants but totally out of court!
There are many words in Sanskrit to denote a Pachyderm(Elephant)
The most common word is गजः (gajaH)
The other used words are :
1)मतङ्गः (matanga)..hence we hear Ganesha being called Matangavadana(elephant faced)
2)करेणु (kareNu)
3) हस्तिन् (hastin) would find usage of the word hastin in the Bhagavad Geeta Chapter 5 Stanza 18
brahmane gavi hastini
suni caiva sva-pake ca
panditah sama-darsinah
4)सिन्धुर (sindhura)
5)दन्तिन्(dantin) a tusker.
Enjoy the video!
Sunday, 21 October 2018
Eric Carmen - Hungry Eyes
Hungry Eyes!
Today we would learn about three verbs in the present tense related to the visual apparatus...the Eyes!
1)पश्यति(pashyati) see
2)आलोकते (Alokate) watch/to look at
3)ईक्षते(IkSate) watch/perceive
पश्यति is a Parasmaipada verb
आलोकते and ईक्षते are Atmanepada verbs.
Examples of usage and the difference in its meaning.
1)बालकः पश्यति (bAlakaH pashyati)...the boy sees.
2)बालकः आलोकते(bAlakaH Alokate)..the boy watches/looks at
3)बालकः ईक्षते (bAlakaH IkSate)....the boy watches/perceives.
Hungry for more?
Friday, 19 October 2018
Nicki Minaj - Va Va Voom (Explicit)
vA vA voom!
Today we would cover an indeclinable in Sanskrit.
Its the word वा (vA ).
What about it?
The word वा (vA) has the following functions:
1) Interrogative function as in a question meaning "Is/Is it" for eg: माता पचति वा? (mAtA pacati vA) meaning "Is mother cooking?"
2)Conjunction function mean "Or" when used only once for eg वानरः गजः वा (vAnaraH gajaH vA) meaning "Monkey or elephant".
Here the वा(vA) is used only once, mostly it indicates just a statement with no emphasis of choice.
3)Conjuntion function to mean "Either" when वा(vA) is used twice as in an emphasis to make a choice
eg: वानरः वा गजः वा (vAnaraH vA gajaH vA) meaning "Either the monkey or the elephant"
So that's the vA vA voom for today!
Wednesday, 17 October 2018
Main Shayar To Nahin | Bobby | Rishi Kapoor, Dimple Kapadia & Aruna Iran...
I am no poet.
अहं कविः नैव अस्मि
किन्तु हे सुन्दरि!
यतः दृश्यते मया तुभ्यम्
काव्यं मह्यं आगतवत्
ahaM kaviH naiva asmi
kintu hey sundari!
yataH dRzyate mayA tubhyam
kAvyaM mahyaM Agatavat.
I am no poet,
But Hey Beautiful One!
Since I saw you,
Poetry came to me.(implying that he became capable of poetry)
Well... the above stanza is the translation of the 1st stanza of the famous song Main Shaayar Toh Nahi.
Monday, 15 October 2018
Baazigar O Baazigar-HD VIDEO SONG | Shahrukh Khan & Kajol | Baazigar | 9...
Gambler (द्यूतकर)(dyUtakara)
Gambling is called द्यूत (dyuta).
Gambler in Sanskrit is (द्यूतकर)(dyUtakara)..One who gambles.
Gambling as we know was the main down fall for the Pandavas in the Mahabharat as they lost out to Sakuni and ended up pawning their own wife (real bunch of 5 idiots!..Thank God they had Krishna to cover up their mess)
One who is fond of gambling is called द्यूतप्रिय (dyUtapriya ) in Sanskrit...sounds so classy for a vice!
Anyway lets check out one more Gambler ...the Baazigar(Gambler)!
Sunday, 14 October 2018
Sami Yusuf - Breeze (Live at the Heydar Aliyev Center) | 2018
Breeze(समीर) samIr
Word of the day is Breeze.
Its called samIr in Sanskrit.Usually spelt as Sameer.
Sameer means Breeze and you would find the usage of the word Sameer in two Carnatic compositions of Thyagaraja.
One of it is from the Kirti... Vara Leela Gana Lola where he sings : danuja neera dhara samIrana which means "The Breeze that blows aways the Asuric clouds"
Next is another Kirti.. Sarasa Netra where he sings : papa gaNabra samIrana which translates as "The Breeze blowing away the clouds of sin"
So there you go..a lovely name ...samIr समीर.
Friday, 12 October 2018
UB40 - Red Red Wine
Spiritually High!
Today we would learn about being Spiritually High...Yes..You got it! Alcohol!
Why is alcohol called spirit?
- From late 14c. in alchemy as "volatile substance; distillate;" from c. 1500 as "substance capable of uniting the fixed and the volatile elements of the philosopher's stone." Hence spirits "volatile substance;" sense narrowed to "strong alcoholic liquor" by 1670s.
So what do we call alcohol in Sanskrit?
It is called मद्यसार (madhyasAra) and at times just मद्य(madya).
An alcoholic is called मद्यप(madyapa)..which literally means drinker of alcohol.
But anyway since we are talking about spirits and getting high here, how does this relate to Spirituality?
Well it does..just watch a man high on alcohol he would be a divine mystic!
Enjoy the Red Red Wine song! But remember DO NOT DRINK and DO NOT GET SPIRITUALLY HIGH!
Tuesday, 9 October 2018
Rocky Music Video-Eye Of The Tiger
Today we would learn all about the Eye.
The human eye is an organ situated in the orbit fossa which reacts to light and allows perception blah blah blah...Nope I am not going to make you dissect a human eye...but today we would get to know the various names for the EYE in Sanskrit.
These are a few:
नेत्रम् (netram)
नयनम् (nayanam)
चक्षुः (cakShuh)
अम्बकम् (ambakam)
Now in Indian Philosophy we do not limit ourselves to just two eyes..well, we have from three eyes(त्रिनेत्रम्)/(त्रयंबकम् )(trinetram)/trayambakam to a thousand eyes(सहस्रलोचन) (sahasralocana) and the lotus eyed कमलनेत्र(kamalanetram).
But somehow I like the Eye of the Tiger!
Monday, 8 October 2018
Jack Ingram - Make my heart flutter
No one else can make my heart flutter like you!
त्वं सदृशा का अपि मम हृदयस्पन्दनं भ्रमितुं शक्नोषि.
A nice song which talks about how a girl totally destabilizes him!
So how do we say this in Sanskrit?
Here we go!
त्वं सदृशा का अपि मम हृदयस्पन्दनं भ्रमितुं शक्नोषि.
tvaM sadRshA kA api mama hRdayaspandanaM bhramituM shaknoSi.
Let's go tru one by one:
In this song its man singing for a woman so we would choose the feminine gender for expression here.
त्वं सदृशा (tvaM sadRshA) means Like you.
का अपि (kA api) means No one.
मम (mama) means My
हृदयस्पन्दनं (hRdayaspandanaM) means Heartbeat
भ्रमितुं (bhramituM) means Flutter
शक्नोषि (shaknoSi) means Can make/Capable.
Sunday, 7 October 2018
UFC 229| Conor McGregor vs Khabib Nurmagomedov Highlights 2018 HD
मल्लक्रीडा (mallakrIDA).
The Ultimate Fighting Championship Khabib Vs MC Gregor!
We all saw what happened during and after the match!
It's a Mixed Martial Arts Championship.
So what do we call this in Sanskrit?
It is called मल्लक्रीडा (mallakrIDA).
The word for a boxing cum wrestling is मल्लक्रीडा(mallakrIDa) a feminine noun.
Seems strange that such a martial art is denoted as a feminine noun...may be originally females fought more by pulling each others hair in a cat fight!
Thursday, 4 October 2018
"Mere Rashke Qamar" Song With Lyrics | Baadshaho | Ajay Devgn, Ileana, N...
Pick Up Lines In Sanskrit!
How to impress a girl in Sanskrit.
Please do not call her Chandramukhi otherwise she would be singing Ra Ra Sarasaku Ra Ra and if you are no Laka Laka better run for your life!
I have a better pick up line to impress a girl by saying that even the moon is envious of her beauty.
चन्द्रमात्सर्य मे candramAtsarya me ... O' My envy of the moon! are right as the song says "Mere Rashk-E-Qamar"
So say it in Sanskrit.
चन्द्रमात्सर्य मे candramAtsarya me ... O' My envy of the moon!
Tuesday, 2 October 2018
Himesh Reshammiya, Hariharan - Kallai Mattum Kandal
ॐ नमो नारायणाय (Om namo nArAyaNAya)
Lets take a look at ॐ नमो नारायणाय
(Om namo nArAyaNAya)
Actually it starts of as Om namaH nArAyaNAya but becomes Om namo nArAyaNAya after we apply the visarga sandhi rules.
Lets take a look:
As I said it starts off as ॐ नमः नारायणाय
नमः the 2 dots you see after the word नमः is known as visarga.
If the visarga (2 dots) is preceded by a अ and followed either by a अ or a soft consonant(in this case न is a soft consonant) the visarga(2 dots) changes into a उ and then a gUNa sandhi takes place eg:
नमः(namaH) + नारायणाय(nArAyaNAya)
= नम(nama) + उ (u)+नारायणाय(nArAyaNAya)
=नमो नारायणाय(naMo nArAyaNAya)
That's the final results.
Well, I did say I ain't no preacher but there are benefits of calling out ॐ नमो नारायणाय (Om namo nArAyaNAya) at the time of distress.
It saved Gajendra from the jaws of the crocodile and also saved Ajamila from the Yama Dutas but somehow it didnt save Kamal Hassan in Dashavatar.
Monday, 1 October 2018
Harry Belafonte - Coconut Women
Let's Get Calypso!
वृक्षाग्रवासी न च पक्षिराजः त्रिणेत्रधारी न च शूलपाणिः |
त्वग्वस्त्रधारी न च सिद्धयोगी जलं च बिभ्रन्न घटो न मेघः ||
It lives on top of a tree but its not the king of birds.
It has three eyes but its not Lord Shiva.
It wears clothes made of skin but its no mendicant.
It contains water but neither is it a pot or a cloud.
So what is it?
Listen to the song and you would know the answer!
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